Make My Day : Empowering Entrepreneurs for a Better Future A Unifying Business Networking Event

Rotary Club Makati Bel-Air, JCI Makati Princess Urduja, Business Network International Premier Business Ambassadors and Zoomanity Group, proudly hosted an extraordinary business networking event, MAKE MY DAY “Empowering Entrepreneurs for a Better Future,” last November 13, 2023 at Manila Polo Club, Taguig. Bringing together a diverse array of organizations and entrepreneurs, the event served as a catalyst for networking, collaboration, and innovation. It aims to unify different business owners, making it easier to engage and trade in the country which will help in creating jobs and eventually help in improving our economy.

“This is what we expect to happen among the businesses and different professions to network for the better of their company and the county, once you accomplish that your day is made.” – Robert Yupangco, Zoomanity Group President / CEO and Chairman of Philippine-Korea Economic Council

“This is the first time that the Philippines is having a collaboration event of different busniess organizations. If you can meet more people, you can do more business and give more as part of our social civic organization.” – Heaven Peña Florida, Rotary Club Makati Bel-Air President

Renowned speakers like Atty. Agnes VST Devanadera, President & CEO of Clark Development Corporation and well known architect, Arch. Felino “Jun” Palafox, President & Founder of PALAFOX & Associates, took the stage to share their knowledge and experience on their respective fields.

Make My Day provided a dynamic platform for entrepreneurs to connect, share ideas, and explore potential collaborations. Attendees engaged in meaningful conversations, and exciting activities fostering a vibrant atmosphere conducive to business growth. The event was attended by around 300 participants from various industries in partnership with Philippine-Korea Economic Council (PHILKOREC), BNI Premier, NREA Metro CBD Chapter, Makati Tourism Foundation, and Ayala Amity Diamond 101 Lions Club.


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